New Year’s Eve 2012

We went into the city again this year for the New Year Fireworks. This year we decided to stay only for the Family Fireworks at 9pm.

We had lots of time to spare before finding a spot to watch the fireworks so we went to the Maritime Museum. They had lots of children’s activities running as it’s the school holidays. Monster enjoyed dressing as a pirate:Dressed as a pirate He made his own pirate flag at one of the craft tables and then found a glockenspiel to play with in the pirate tent:Playing the glockenspeil He caught some magnetic fish before going out to play in the water fountains outside:Playing magnetic fish

We had some tea and then went to find a god spot to watch the fireworks in Darling Harbour. We sat on the steps along the harbour as it got dark and waited for the fireworks to start:

New Year's Eve New Year's Eve

The fireworks were really good 🙂

The rest of December

The weather was quite varied for the rest of December so we saw a number of different outfits.

There were some colder days so Monster got to try out his new jumper from swimming (whilst enjoying his Christmas chocolate!)Eating Christmas chocolate There were slightly warmer days when Monster chose his own oufits – his trousers that Mummy made (that are nearly too small now), a shirt, his green hat and shoes, and his Mr Tumble spotty bag:Monster chosen outfit And then it got hot again and we were back in shorts and t-shirt:With his new binoculars

We had a few trips out.

We went on the bus to play at soft play:Bus trip And we went to the zoo. He wore the new shirt he got for Christmas and his sunglasses – a real cool dude!Cool dude Monster was eager to try out the binoculars he bought with the Christmas money he received from Grandad – he looks a proper little explorer!Happy boy

He’s a happy little boy 🙂DSCF1115

Christmas 2012

Father Christmas visited on Christmas Eve and brought all the presents everyone had sent him. He enjoyed his biscuits and green squash (which Monster chose for him) and the reindeer chomped on their carrot:Father Christmas has been In the morning we came down and monster was a little overwhelmed. He was very excited to see all the presents:Overwhelmed This was the first year he’s been able to open presents properly by himself, which he really enjoyed doing:Opening presents We played the games, did building with Duplo, and Monster insisted that we all dress up in his new dressing up outfits too:Dressing-up It rained all day, and after a play with all his presents Monster wanted to go out in the rain with his umbrella:Playing in the rain There was lots of puddle jumping until his boots were completely full up with water:Puddle jumping

We had a good Christmas 🙂

Wiggles Celebration Tour Concert – 22/12/2012

We went to see the Wiggles!

(All the pictures were taken on my phone which is why they’re all a bit blurry!)

Monster was very excited. He was very good waiting for the show to start:Waiting for the show to start Father Christmas was there too along with his reindeer and elves:Father Christmas on stage The Wiggles sang lots of songs that we knew:Wiggles singing There were big smiles all the way through:Enjoying the show Henry the Octopus sang Jingle Bells in octopus language:Henry the Octopus Monster insisted I take a photo of Murray in his muscle suit for the ‘Strong’ song:Murray in his muscle suit Captain Feathersword is one of our favourites:Captain Feathersword on stage Along with Dorothy the Dinosaur:Dorothy on stage We had a great time 🙂Watching the show