Monster turns 4! part 1

This month was Monster’s 4th birthday!

As his actual birthday was on a Monday, we went for his birthday outing on the Sunday.

He set off for the station with his camera. He took lots of his own photos of everything! We went to his favourite place for lunch – Wagamamas! He had chicken and rice and ice cream – yum! He got to choose where we went for the day. He chose the … (I don’t have any photos of inside the museum so the train station name sign will have to do!)

He particularly wanted to see the dinosaur skeletons, and was fascinated by all the skeletons they had on display in general.

When we got home he helped to make the cakes. He even did the washing up (which he thought was very exciting!) Once he was in bed we set up ready for the birthday morning 🙂

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