It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere we go:Central Station Tree We even have our tree up at home, with a few extra special decorations this year:Swimming Snowman This snowman was a Chrismtas present from Monster’s swimming teacher,Button Snail and this dove Monster made at Nursery (although if you ask him he insists that it’s a button snail!)

We’ve also been to the nursery Christmas picnic, where Santa came to give out some presents. All the other children paused and smiled to have their photo taken with him…Running from Santa Monster edged closer, grabbed the present and turned and ran as quick as he could – he’s not good with strangers! (We did go up with him later to say thank you properly.)

He also brought home some presents for us:Rudolph card A Rudolph handprint card, …Handprint calendar… and a handprint calendar!




December seems to be flying by – only 10 days left til Christmas!

This is what December looks like so far:Bee bee bear Reggie gave Monster a Bee Bee Bear hand puppet, which was taken and shown to everyone for several days. Here he is showing Bee Bee Bear what can be seen from the bus window.

Thunderbirds are GO It’s very hard catching him still enough to get a non-blurry photo! The reflection in the mirror is slightly less blurry! Playing Thunderbirds wearing his International Rescue hat 🙂

Red tardis We’ve been watching Dr Who together recently. You can tell from his playing. I asked him what was happening:

“The TARDIS has landed on the garage! It’s a red TARDIS!”

It then took off again and went spinning round the room before landing again!

Shopping He insisted on carrying the basket to do the shopping!

Posing This was last Sunday in Sydney. Monster requested we take his photo – so we did!

Cool DudeAnd this is him posing for another photo, looking a right cool dude in his hat and sunglasses!

It’s been hot this week!

This week has been hot. Probably the hottest since we’ve been here. So we’ve done a fair bit of staying indoors and trying to keep cool.

I built Monster a big train track to play with while we watched the new Thomas DVD that we borrowed from the library – Thomas and the Blue Mountain Mystery.

Monster wanted to help wrap presents so I gave him his own pieces of paper and tape to play with.

We took a trip to the Post Office and took his scooter instead of the buggy. This was us waiting at the bus stop.

Since it was getting fairly late we decided to surprise Daddy by calling into his office on the way back to walk/scoot home with him!

We went to the shopping centre to meet Reggie Egg from Reading Eggs. Monster did not like big Reggie. He says he likes tiny Reggie (as he appears on books and the computer)!

And because it’s been so hot we’ve been swimming every day. Monster has been practising and his swimming teacher was very impressed with him this week.

He is much better at staying horizontal and kicking and splashing his legs now.

He can also do this:

Jumping in without holding anybody’s hand! (it took lots of jumps to get a photo mid-air!!) He’s very proud of himself 🙂