“Ice does really good magic – you can’t see it. It’s invisible!”
Author Archives: Jodie
Monster turns 4! part 3
The final few birthday photos!
Monster has been playing with all of his birthday toys since his birthday.
He’s been exploring what the different apparatus in his science set does. He also wears his Jake costume whenever it’s not being washed! His final birthday present arrived – Woody!
And we took his new bike to the park to practise pedalling.
He needs a bit more practise but he’s getting there 🙂
Monster turns 4! part 2
Birthday day!
Monster was very enthusiastic about opening his presents! He was adamant that he wear his Jake and the Neverland Pirates costume all day!
We took the bus to playgroup. Monster likes to pose for the camera!
We had birthday cake for morning tea – even with a candle.
We sung happy birthday.
He thought the cake was yum!
We went from playgroup, to soft play, then into town to collect a birthday present.
It was a very tiring day! But a short nap perked him up for more playing with his birthday toys.
We had birthday tea at home.
He said it was the “best birthday ever!” 🙂
Monster turns 4! part 1
This month was Monster’s 4th birthday!
As his actual birthday was on a Monday, we went for his birthday outing on the Sunday.
He set off for the station with his camera. He took lots of his own photos of everything!
We went to his favourite place for lunch – Wagamamas! He had chicken and rice and ice cream – yum!
He got to choose where we went for the day. He chose the …
(I don’t have any photos of inside the museum so the train station name sign will have to do!)
He particularly wanted to see the dinosaur skeletons, and was fascinated by all the skeletons they had on display in general.
When we got home he helped to make the cakes. He even did the washing up (which he thought was very exciting!) Once he was in bed we set up ready for the birthday morning 🙂
Our March photos:
One of our Sunday trips out took us on the ferry. Cheese! Monster got really good on his balance bike.
He even went on a ride down the road with Daddy.
The little bookworm insisted on taking a book with him to playgroup!
Monster received a swimming certificate and was moved up to the next group.
We practised the new things he was learning at home too. Swimming with a float:
And starting to learn to dive:
Our photos from February:
They started replacing the telegraph poles along the road opposite the University using huge cranes. Monster would not move from that spot until the crane had pack up and moved on! We had a trip out to the Sydney Tower Eye. We could see a long way out across the city.
Looking down the cars look like toys.
At the end of the month it was Daddy’s birthday! Monster insisted that we have a tea party with party hats and party blowers!
Some highlights from our January:
January was the middle of summer. There was lots of playing outside at the park, being a daredevil on the climbing rungs. New shoes! This time he picked red!
The Monster likes to do things grown ups do. We took photos of each other taking a photo with our phones!
He did some thank you painting pictures for his Christmas presents.
There was lots of swimming when it was hot.
We went on a Mummy and Monster trip. Monster spotted the Opera House out of the ferry window.
It was exciting going on a big trip just the two of us!
At the end of January nursery went back after the summer holidays. Monster went back with his matching hat and bag!
Canberra Holiday – Part 4
(only 6 months after we went!)
The next morning after some early morning children’s tv watching… …we went out and had pancakes for breakfast. Look at that face!
We then spent the day at Questacon, a science museum. Monster’s favourite part was the Mini Q section, which we had to get timed tickets for as it was school holidays. It was split into different activity areas. Some of his favourite area were the building section, …
… the water activity section, …
… and the vet role play section.
The thing that fascinated him most though was a display in the entrance hall with balls that rolled around a marble run.
We finished the day with his favourite dinner – nice rice!
We had a good holiday 🙂
Dice games
Oh so literal!!
Monster throws dice.
Me: What did it land on?
Monster picks it up and inspects underneath it.
Monster: The floor.
Canberra Holiday – Part 3
We took the bus up to the Black Mountain tower to get the best views of the city. There’s lots of trees and green and it’s not as built up as you’d expect from a capital city.
We could see our hotel from the top of the tower!
The tower is a telecom tower.
This is Monster doing an impersonation of the tower whist waiting for the bus back to the hotel!