3rd Birthday Celebrations!

Monster turned 3 on Sunday!

He requested a green dragon cake with red fire coming out of it’s mouth.

We set out all his presents, put bits together and put up the banner ready for the morning.

We started the day singing Happy Birthday and blowing out the candles.

If you can’t have cake for breakfast on your birthday, when can you?

We started our journey into the city by train, but due to trackwork ended up on the rail replacement coach. Monster chose to sit on the very back row!

We went bowling in Darling Harbour. He sat very patiently waiting for his turn.

He was very excited when it was his turn (and also liked that the big TV screens were tuned to Cartoon Network which was showing a Lego show)!

We all clapped whenever the ball knocked some pins down.

After lunch we went to Wildlife Sydney. Monster took his new camera to take photos too.

We were lucky as the wombat is not usually out and about when we visit.

We saw the new echidna exhibit.

There were baby emus.

Lots of wallabies had had joeys.

Even the crocodile was out of the water for us to have a look at.

We had a really good day 🙂

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